5-Week Mindfulness and Meditation Course
with Vayia Nafees

Benefits of Meditation:
* Alleviates Stress, Anxiety. Panic Attacks, Worries
* Promotes a Restful Sleep
* Brings the body out of Fight and Flight mode and into Rest and Digest Mode
* Increase Happiness, Joy and Relationship (as meditation increase Dopamine, Serotonin, Oxytocin and Endorphins)
* Improves Brain Functionality and memory
* Creates new Neuropathways
* Brings a deeper sense of Connection and Purpose
What to expect:
An evening of relaxation and rejuvenating through
Breath-work: Yogic Breathing
Mindfulness - Based on Buddhist Meditation
Angelic Healing Guided Meditations
be still be inspired be free


Feedback from those who have participated on our meditation and mindfulness course
Vayia guides you to a lovely space where you can switch off all your thoughts, relax, unwound and find a deeper connection.
I implemented the yogic breathing everyday into my life for the whole course. I had more energy than I had in years and slept amazingly!
Since Vayia' meditation course my stress levels are so m much lower and I am finding that things don't bother me as much.
I always was intrigued to start meditation but had no idea if I could do it or where to start. Vayia makes you feel so relaxed and is a great teacher, now I meditate every day. I highly recommend the course!